Saturday, August 6, 2011

Communication skills and effective writing must include a thorough quality control

!±8± Communication skills and effective writing must include a thorough quality control

This order only to crack me up

"The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling bowl is not." ~ Wise High School, Springfield, Virginia

Yes, I know, that the similarities do not exactly fit odd embarrassing to an article on business communication clear and effective. But I also know that nothing breaks one of my seminars on business writing ability to laugh, what can a fellow human being to do with the English language, as one ofWoodbridge, Va., student: "His thoughts were in his head, making and breaking alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free."

Tilt to an outsider, too, have a look at this:

"Cna Raed is this? Plepoe Olny 55 of 100 can. Cna Raed This fi you, you have a sgtrane mnid too.

"I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I rdanieg. Hmuan mnid Pweor Phaonmneal of, the 'at Cmabrigde uinervtisy Aoccdrnig eneir the dseno't mtaetr in what oerdrltteres WROD are in a, la, la ezniige iproamtnt tihng is that ltteer rghit pclae frsit and finally in. The RSET can be a mses and you can sitll Taotl Raed Raed is a whotuit pboerlm. This is therefore the huamn mnid deos not lteter by istlef jeedn Raed Wiel, but as a wlohe WROD. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas slpeling was ipmorantt tghuhot! "

As the intro says, 55 percent of us, myself included, can directly read this through and get the point. I have no idea what he is saying the earth,on us. I found it interesting to share.

But seriously, folks ... Be careful self-Editor

Moving right along - and in direct contradiction with the behavior in my previous article - I want to change a few words to say or quality control. No matter how good a writer and concise, you can, you risk blowing, if you do not change. To change, I mean, editing for grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc., and the revision or rewriting. You canlike you, or you go to pay your words, then give the law more carefully before pressing the "send" button or print and give to your clients, customers, bosses, suppliers, employees, etc.

Why? Why are you on the e-mail or a report. As such, assuming you care about your image or reputation, should look at both professional and natural. Or, to put it in a meaningful way, in the words of the great novelist Toni Morrison: "The language must be carefully and appear effortless.Do not sweat it. "

How do you get? Somewhere along the line, I came up with six rules for drawing attention. Read this and find some that already have the following rules, without knowing it. Others believe that you do not assign the treatment of attention it deserves:

1 - to read the message. E 'to say, say what you want? Contradict one another at any time? The message is clearly stated in the first two or three digits?

2 - re-reading forOrganization. These are the paragraphs in the correct order? When you change the subject a new paragraph? You're repeating yourself?

3 - set the level on the reading. I'm in the right order?

4 - Read each sentence to the internal structure. If everything is parallel (WRONG: He suggested that the closure of loopholes for the rich and the refusal to pay increases for civil servants RIGHT He suggested that the closure of loopholes for the rich and the refusal to pay increases for the government.Officials)? You have an active voice (WRONG: The touchdown pass from Tom Brady threw RIGHT: .. Tom Brady threw the touchdown pass)? If the sentence makes sense?

5 - Read the words. Replace the words, which do not transmit the message. Avoid repeated use of a word. How to find multiple words in your brain? As Stephen King says: "The only way to get a good writer is to read and write very much."

6 - Check and correct spelling and punctuation errors and typos. Do not relysolely on spell check.

Communication skills and effective writing must include a thorough quality control

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